Friday, February 21, 2014

Two Words to Make You Love Your J-O-B – “I Quit!”

So you hate your job right? We’ll you’re not alone. Everyone in the world hates their jobs. However, research shows American’s hate their jobs the most. Now why is that? Isn’t America the “land of opportunity”? According to a recent Gallup poll, 70% of Americans either hate their job or are disconnected from it.

I compiled a list of reasons why people hate their jobs. Here it is:
  •    Their boss is belittling
  •    They feel underpaid
  •    They feel underappreciated
  •    Their “job” is just that—a “job” that provides a source of income
  •    Their boss makes They do all the work and takes credit
  •    Their boss forgets to give They Their paycheck (every week)
  •    They not passionate about what They do
  •    Their boss doesn’t provide health insurance or any other benefits
  •    They get low or no bonuses
  •    They haven’t received a pay raise in years
  •    They overwhelmed and Their boss won’t hire someone to help
  •    It’s a bad work environment
  •    Their co-workers behave like high school kids
  •    They work with people who don’t take pride in their work
  •    Their co-workers are uneducated or undereducated
  •    There’s no job security
  •    There’s a lack of communication
  •    Their job is not flexible to Their schedule
  •    They’re sexually harassed – and in this case, I would suggest you contact an attorney immediately
  •    There’s no opportunity for growth within the company

One thing I never understood is why people continue to work for companies and bosses that they highly dislike. Life is short and I can ensure you that you are not getting any younger.

ADVICE: Go out take steps to reach your full potential. Take some risks and don’t ignore opportunities. Open that ice cream shop you've dreamed of opening. Write a novel. Go back to school and get your masters. How about figuring out what you do best and start your own business.

There’s no one stopping you. There’s no better feeling than fulfilling your dreams, reaching your potential and finally saying, I’m successful and I LOVE what I do for a living.

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