Sunday, February 23, 2014

Celebrating 7,000+ Likes on Facebook!

We're celebrating reaching 7,000+ likes on Facebook!

To celebrate our 7,000+ Likes! We are giving free gifts to businesses who spend $700 or more on any of our marketing services. This offer expires 3/7/2014.

Gifts include a $50 Best Buy Gift Card + one of the other items listed in the picture.

Call us at (248) 956 - 0246. We're available 24/7. Share with friends!

Visit our Facebook page at

Friday, February 21, 2014

Two Words to Make You Love Your J-O-B – “I Quit!”

So you hate your job right? We’ll you’re not alone. Everyone in the world hates their jobs. However, research shows American’s hate their jobs the most. Now why is that? Isn’t America the “land of opportunity”? According to a recent Gallup poll, 70% of Americans either hate their job or are disconnected from it.

I compiled a list of reasons why people hate their jobs. Here it is:
  •    Their boss is belittling
  •    They feel underpaid
  •    They feel underappreciated
  •    Their “job” is just that—a “job” that provides a source of income
  •    Their boss makes They do all the work and takes credit
  •    Their boss forgets to give They Their paycheck (every week)
  •    They not passionate about what They do
  •    Their boss doesn’t provide health insurance or any other benefits
  •    They get low or no bonuses
  •    They haven’t received a pay raise in years
  •    They overwhelmed and Their boss won’t hire someone to help
  •    It’s a bad work environment
  •    Their co-workers behave like high school kids
  •    They work with people who don’t take pride in their work
  •    Their co-workers are uneducated or undereducated
  •    There’s no job security
  •    There’s a lack of communication
  •    Their job is not flexible to Their schedule
  •    They’re sexually harassed – and in this case, I would suggest you contact an attorney immediately
  •    There’s no opportunity for growth within the company

One thing I never understood is why people continue to work for companies and bosses that they highly dislike. Life is short and I can ensure you that you are not getting any younger.

ADVICE: Go out take steps to reach your full potential. Take some risks and don’t ignore opportunities. Open that ice cream shop you've dreamed of opening. Write a novel. Go back to school and get your masters. How about figuring out what you do best and start your own business.

There’s no one stopping you. There’s no better feeling than fulfilling your dreams, reaching your potential and finally saying, I’m successful and I LOVE what I do for a living.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Importance of Marketing: Why Your Business Won’t Survive Without It


We live in the 21th century where technology and social media have been being improved and utilized more than it ever has before. Marketing the right way, will not only keep your business above waters, but it will put you on a journey to thrive. Marketing is the most essential step each business must take. Your company’s recognition and sales determines the level of profitability.

Many, actually most businesses have competition. You may be the kind of owner to sit back and watch other businesses in your field out shine you because you’re content with the place that you are. But think about it, are you reaching our business’ full potential by watching. Well the answer is no. The only way to reach your full potential in any area of life is to do.

In order to survive as a business in this world, you need to market your brand, why you’re different and let people know who you are. Don’t be that company people drive by all the time only to ignore its very existence. Not marketing is selfish. Maybe not for you, but for your employees. Employees leave for better opportunities and higher pay because your business can’t afford to keep them. You’re current employees are upset because they don’t get yearly raises like they expected. Reality is, without marketing, your business is just another business falling off the edges of a cliff.

See, some businesses are so confident that they don’t need marketing. We’ll all I can say is your skidding on thin waters and the water beneath is going to go dry.

Now that I've explained to you why marketing is important, I will explain to you how your business will survive with marketing. 

Marketing Strategy:

Most successful things started out with some kind of strategy. You want your business to be a success right? Well, you have to start with a marketing and business strategy. The most least expensive way to develop a marketing strategy is to hire a full-service marketing firm. That way, you can save on office space and the salary of paying a marketing person who will probably only be working on projects half the time.

With a marketing strategy, you will develop strategic planning, goals and plans of action for gaining market share, increasing brand recognition, and driving in new customers. Treat marketing as an investment and not an expense.

Social Media:

The three most popular social media sites include Facebook with over 900 million active users. Twitter with over 290 million visitors. And LinkedIn with over 250 million active users. Once your business has a presence on at least one the top social media sites, you can use Tier 2 social media sites like Pinterest, Google +, Tumblr and Instagram with 150 million, 126 million, 125 million and 100 million active users respectively.

Businesses need to be where their customers, clients, patients, and/or businesses are. By engaging in some form of social media, you are opening many opportunities for your business and meeting your customers halfway. 

Fortune 500 companies understand and appreciate marketing, that’s why they’re successful. The truth is successful companies never stop marketing. Marketing should always be a priority; it’s a valuable asset, a valuable investment that will make your company survive for the rest of existence. If you don’t believe me, look at companies like Coca-Cola, Royal Dutch Shell and Apple. Now compare those to companies who have failed like Blockbuster, Sears and Liz Claiborne.

“There are three reasons businesses fail: lack of marketing, rejection of changing with technology and ignorance with ethics”
       -Yana Gaines, CEO & President of MIPMT

Visit our website at  or contact us at (248) 956-0246.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Why Many People Never Reach Their Full Potential

I like to think of life as being full of opportunities and risks. It's the opportunities we take that make us successful. It's the risks that we don't take that keep us where we are and keep us from achieving our goals. Life is short. It’s shorter than you think. And it’s even shorter if something tragic happens to you like an auto accident or cancer. If you don't take risks, you were not living your life to your full potential.

Some people are satisfied going through life without ever really experiencing life. I'm not talking about drinking at the club with friends all night, going on vacations all the time, making a lot of money, spending a lot of money, etc. I'm talking about reaching your full potential by doing something that you are genuinely passionate about. Passion is something that you do because you really feel in your heart that is what you were meant and designated to do in this life.

I see many people that are content with their lives. I see many people go throughout life playing it safe. I see many people who absolutely hate their jobs but refuse to quit because they're scared of the outcome and the possibility of not being able to find another job.

There's a difference between a job and a career. A job is something that you go to because you get paid to do it but you don't really enjoy doing it and you rather be doing something else. “Jobs” don’t get you closer to your goals. In fact, they prevent you or delay you from taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals. A career is something that you wake up every day wanting to do because you're really passionate about it and it's your life goal to be in this career. Don’t become a doctor or a lawyer just because most of them make good money or because that’s what your parents expected you to be. You’ll notice that in every single area of business, the “go-getters” are the ones everybody knows and the “others” are the businesses that are just playing it safe.

The average American spends approximately 100,000 hours of their life working. Now that's a lot of time. If you're miserable because your job sucks, you hate your boss because he yells at you all the time, you feel overwhelmed, you feel overworked or you feel under-appreciated, well hopefully you don't end up like some people who retire at that very place that they absolutely hate.

I meet a lot of miserable and jealous people all the time. Most of them you can tell it stems from their "jobs."

I was always one of those people who felt as if, if you don't enjoy doing it, don't do it. Do things in life that you're passionate about and you'll be amazing at it. You'll be successful at it. And one day, when you're old and gray you will look back and say, “I lived life like every day was my last day.”

I don't do anything I don't want to do. I only do things I'm passionate about. Everything that I do, I take pride in and I give a hundred percent. I don't look for handouts. I take risks and explore opportunities.

Reasons Why You Are Not Living Up To Your Full Potential:

1.    You don't take risks.
As mentioned before if you don't take risks you'll never know the outcome and you always live to regret saying "what if this" and “what if that.” A friend of mine quit her job making 600,000 annually because she despised her work environment. It was the hardest decision that she had ever had to make in her life. All of her family and friends were telling her how big of a mistake she had made. She had no idea what she was going to do next. What she knew for sure was that she had to do what was right for her. She realized that life is short and that you have to take risks to find your potential. Now she's a multi-millionaire running a very lucrative company. It is now she is able to say that she’s living her dream.

2.    You're complacent.
You should never get too comfortable in life. That includes your career life, your love life, etc. Do not allow yourself to become complacent. Successful people who are complacent are never really happy with what they have and they are always looking for more and more. Life shouldn't feel like a routine—wake up, go to work, go bed and repeat. We're not robots if you haven't noticed. Your life should feel more like an adventure. You should be doing things that inspire you and that are exciting. You never want to get bored with life. You need to challenge yourself. You need to go outside of your roam of comfortability and try something different. Look at successful people like Warren Buffett. He's 83-years-old yet he’s still running Geico and Berkshire Hathaway and buying businesses. Warren Buffett understands that taking life as an adventure is one of the keys to become successful while also reaching your full potential.

3.    You're jealous of others.
Jealousy is a horrible thing. Jealous people are miserable. They have horrible lives, they hate what they do for a living and they focus too much of their attention on people they wish they could be. Maybe they’re single and don’t love life. But think about it: if you're 45-years-old, single and have never been married, clearly there's a reason why. Nobody wants to be around someone who's jealous and miserable. So instead of being jealous of other people because you see them accomplishing their dreams and reaching their potential, go out in reach your potential.

4.    You waste time.
Don't just sit there and wait for an opportunity to come to you. I guarantee you it’s not coming, it’s only going. Opportunities are to be sought by an individual. Instead of going to work every day to your crappy job, then coming home to watch TV, eat dinner and shower, only to wake up and do the same thing over and over again. You should be doing anything … something that puts you closer to your goal. Time is of the essence. Go out and be social, just for the hell of it. I'm a very sociable person. I will talk to anybody about anything. I would go out just because I wanted to meet new people and be inspired. I mean, that's a step towards your success if you’re not doing anything else.

5.    You're afraid of failure.
You're afraid of something that everybody else around is afraid of as well. It's the people who overcome their fright of failure by taking risks with the intent to become successful in their personal and professional life and reach their full potential. Yes, I know the feeling of failure is not easy. I know it doesn’t feel good. You should also know one thing though: failure is not final, at least as long as you don't let it be. The only way that you'll be able to make your dream a reality is to take that first step—to take that risk. I realize that the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is that a successful person always tries.

At the end of the day when you go to bed, are you happy with your life? Can you honestly say you wake up every day excited to start the day? Do you take continuous steps every moment you can to get you to reach your goals and dreams? Don't live life with regrets and don't regret things that you've done your life. If you want something in life, you have to go get it! Ever heard of motivation?

We Are An Ethical Business

"There's no such thing as business ethics; there's just ethics. And ethics makes no concessions for the real or imagined necessities of making a profit."
- Michael S. Josephson

At our company, Michigan Premier Marketing Team, LLC, we strive to operate in the sole interest of ALL our stakeholders. Our stakeholders include employees, clients, suppliers, the community and the environment. What sets our marketing firm apart from not just other marketing firms, but also other businesses, is that we truly operate on ethical business practices. We represent clients that behave ethically. We emphasize ethics because it's very important, yet there are few companies that can say they are truly ethical. As a business owner, I know it's easier sometimes to be unethical, but I also know the long-term consequences are harsh. Therefore, I always make the decision to practice good business practices by ALWAYS implementing ethics in every aspect.

Some of our favorite quotes in which our firm follows as individuals and as a business:

"There’s no such thing as business ethics — there’s only ethics." 
– John C. Maxwell

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong."

Goldman Sachs Is A Great Place To Work

Goldman Sachs has upheld its reputation for being an ethical and socially responsible company. Goldman Sachs' business practices are an example for the business world. Thank you for being one of the few respected companies who meets the expectations of ALL stakeholders.

Check out what CNN Money had to say.

Organizational Behavior & Leadership

Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge by taking a system approach of how individuals and groups behave in organizations. Leadership and organizational behavior combined, play a very vital role in the development and productivity of any successful organization such as Whole Foods. Leaders have a responsibility to reshape their organization and overcome challenges to benefit their organization’s success in the future. Dynamic leaders in the business environment are seen as being inspirational. They not only make a mark in the world’s business environment, but they also inspire and influence the behaviors in which people work within their organization (Davis, 2012).
Being a leader of an organization comes with a lot of responsibilities. Leaders of organizations behave ethically, have a positive attitude, are confident and inspire others. Outside of just managing, they have a clear vision for their company and work hard to execute their vision every day (Prive, 2012). They also run their businesses ethnically, built on strong morals and ethics. They refer back to their business objective, mission and goals to insure their business is on the right track (Prive, 2012). They understand their power and influence and strive towards putting people first.  They also effectively influence and change behavior in an organization. People in leadership positions can ruin or diminish either reputation or the reputation of their company by making mistakes. Leaders can make mistakes by over leading, either not setting goals or not following them, or are not committed (”10 Common Leadership and Management Mistakes,” n.d).
Leadership can be best represented by Theory Y (Friesen, 2012). Theory Y is a set of assumptions about individuals. It states that managers are able to accomplish more through others by viewing them as committed, self-energized, self-actualized, responsible, creative and intellectual (Friesen, 2012). In others words, managers view their employees as “assets” to the company rather than “costs”. Theory Y managers participate in decision making processes and value relationships and results (Friesen, 2012). These managers empower others, develop positive work environments, provide rewards for efforts and trust and believe in others (Friesen, 2012). The individuals who work for these managers feel worthy, motivated, develop a good work ethic and feel appreciated (Friesen, 2012).

Other theories about leadership include the “Great Man” theory, “Implicit Leadership” theory, and “Emotional Intelligence” theory (Stippler, Moore, Rosenthal & Doerffer, n.d). The great man theory makes assumptions that leaders are born and possess a set of traits that were inherited. It also assumes that great leaders arise to the occasion when there is an abundant need (Stippler et al., n.d). The implicit leadership theory states that each individual holds its own beliefs system regarding features that distinguish leaders (Stippler et al., n.d). Emotional intelligence is defined as having the ability to assert, evaluate and control not only their own emotions but also the emotions of others (Stippler et al., n.d).  These traits are not innate, but rather learned talents that can be developed with lots of work (Stippler et al., n.d).

Comcast-Time Warner Cable & Ethics

This whole Comcast-Time Warner Cable merging thing is ridiculous and should be prevented at all costs! It's a clear monopoly and all consumers (both households and businesses) will suffer. 

If this merger goes through, we can look forward to smaller cable companies drowning which will force us to pay A LOT more for cable service than ever before. And you can also forget unlimited data (for home) too.

Great strategy for Comcast & Time Warner. But it's completely unethical and the consumers will be suffering.

John Mackey must be the only one who understands ethics: 

"I think one of the most misunderstood things about business in America is that people are either doing things for altruistic reasons or they are greedy and selfish, just after profit. That type of dichotomy portrays a false image of business. It certainly is a false image of Whole Foods. The whole idea is to do both: The animals have to flourish, but in such a way that it'll be cheap enough for the customers to buy it."